Thursday, April 29, 2010

8 DAYS!!!

I missed the Monday update this week because of certain circumstances, so here I am now. I finished writing all of my lesson plans and buying gifts. I also picked out all of the clothes that I am taking with me when I leave. Everything fits in my suitcase so far, so that's a plus.

All I have left to do for classes this semester is to turn in my completed field experience hours, turn in a paper, and take my TDP 2000 final exam.

I was really excited for this trip before this week. Every day was 1 closer on the countdown to the best trip of my life. This week some things happened that have made me a little weary about leaving my friends and family, because their support is highly needed. I know that this trip is going to be amazing and that I'm going to get to experience a ton of things I wouldn't ever get to do otherwise.. but I'm definitely going to need people at home to put up with my e-mails and messages on Facebook. I'm lonely now already, and I haven't even left.

Monday, April 19, 2010

18 days!

The past week has been pretty busy! I have finished up most of the work for my classes this semester, as well as for my internship. As of right now, for this semester, all I have left to do is revise a paper after I have my conference, give 2 presentations, take an exam, then take a final. I finished writing my lesson plans, and have obviously started packing. I feel like I'm doing pretty well on what I'm planning to take considering I'll be there 5 weeks.

We had our study abroad orientation on Saturday. Our parents were invited. Directly after we had our last meeting. We went over flight plans and activities. I can't believe it is coming so soon!

I want to get a pedicure before I leave. :)


Monday, April 12, 2010

25 days!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the first post I will do now that it's officially LESS THAN A MONTH until I leave for Carpi. A lot of things have happened pertaining to the trip recently!

First, and most importantly!!!, I got my family assignment. :) :) :) I have a few pictures, but I'm only going to post one.

This is my host sister Asia. She's 6 years old and obviously beautiful. I'm so excited to meet her. My host dad is Andrea, he is a Director of Sales and Marketing for the European, Mid Eastern, and African regions for Brunswick Bowling. And my host mom is Alessandra, she is a middle school P.E. teacher. By the sounds of it they have a nice house, like spending time outdoors, and only live about a half mile from the school I will be working at.

Secondly, I got my school assignment. I will be working at Scuole Medie: Fassi. 5 of the 20+ students going will be here. It is actually the middle school that my host mom works at, so that will be really nice too. I don't have a classroom assignment yet, but I'm sure I will get that soon after I get there.

Thirdly, we got our final assignment books for the class portion of the trip. We have reflections we must do while we are abroad, and I have to write THREE lesson plans (40-50 minutes long) for the days when I will be teaching in a classroom. I have chosen to do one lesson on Futball vs. Football, one on Missouri/US symbols such as birds, flowers, trees, etc vs. Italy symbols, and the third on the history of Pop/Rock music in the United States. They will be mostly based on Vocab. I'm really excited.

We have our University orientation on Saturday followed by the parents meeting. We got our packing lists, dress codes, and activity calender at the last meeting too. It's getting very close.

Lately, I've been very busy with trying to wrap up the semester. I have a 6-8 page paper to write, 2 other papers to turn in, a group project, 2 presentations, 1 exam, and a final to finish in the next 3.5 weeks of class. Of course this is in addition to finishing my volunteer hours, observation hours, and all of my Italy preparations (lesson plans, buying gifts, packing, etc).

I'm very excited though! I'll write again next Monday.

Monday, April 5, 2010

32 DAYS!!!

The day I leave is getting closer every day!

Like I said last week, I got my physical and Tuberculosis test done. Good news is, I don't have Tuberculosis! Haha.

Today started the period of true preparation, to be honest. This month I have assignments, final papers, projects, etc. I only have 3 weeks left at the Nursing home, and 2 weeks left at Jefferson Jr. High! But I'm excited to get a whole new set of kids in Italy!!

I'm trying to fit in one more trip home before I leave. I would like to go to a Royals' game and have a nice home cooked meal from my mom. But who knows. Because I have so many things coming up in terms of school, and my cash funds are low, I'm not sure that it will be a feasible option.

We have our last student-only meeting tomorrow with Dr. Bradley. We're going to go over some of the assignments for the course, discuss the final projects, etc. On the 17th we have our University orientation for study abroad and then a parent meeting. Only having 2 meetings left makes it seem to be coming faster. Crazy!
