Thursday, April 29, 2010

8 DAYS!!!

I missed the Monday update this week because of certain circumstances, so here I am now. I finished writing all of my lesson plans and buying gifts. I also picked out all of the clothes that I am taking with me when I leave. Everything fits in my suitcase so far, so that's a plus.

All I have left to do for classes this semester is to turn in my completed field experience hours, turn in a paper, and take my TDP 2000 final exam.

I was really excited for this trip before this week. Every day was 1 closer on the countdown to the best trip of my life. This week some things happened that have made me a little weary about leaving my friends and family, because their support is highly needed. I know that this trip is going to be amazing and that I'm going to get to experience a ton of things I wouldn't ever get to do otherwise.. but I'm definitely going to need people at home to put up with my e-mails and messages on Facebook. I'm lonely now already, and I haven't even left.

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