Thursday, June 3, 2010


Last night was very hard. After saying goodbye to Asia and Alessandra at home, Andrea drove me to the bus stop. I had been trying to convince myself all day that I wouldn't cry when it was time to leave. But after hugging Andrea goodbye the waterworks just flowed on out. EPIC FAIL. I cried for a good 10 minutes and then attempted to get some sleep. That didn't really work so well. We got to the airport this morning at around 4:00. We claimed a spot (it was pretty empty haha) and we all attempted to sleep. I got a couple broken hours of not very good sleep, but enough that I'm still awake now so I guess it's okay. After we all had woken up at about 8:30 all of the girls who were flying back to the US went down to check their bags. Alison checked mine in her name because she's AWESOME so that my mom can pick it up. Hopefully my wine and broken computer make it there unharmed. We all said our goodbyes and I headed over to the check in area for my flight. After a little bit of waiting I got all checked in and went downstairs. I then had 3 hours to sit around and do nothing.

I will never again fly abroad by myself. Haha. They did not post my gate number until 10 minutes before my boarding time which was very frustrating. Once on the plane all was fine. I sat next to an American couple celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. They got married young (she was 21, he was 19) and in celebration of "proving everyone wrong" they are traveling to a few European countries. They held hands and cuddled the whole flight. It was semi sickening. So I'm glad I got a window seat. Once getting to Paris was the complicated part.

The airport is separated into 3 terminals connected by a railway shuttle. I landed in Terminal 1. Not knowing there were multiple buildings I wandered around trying to find Terminal 2G. Finally I realized I needed to travel to another terminal so I did that. Once I got to Terminal 2 though I discovered that this terminal had sub-terminals (thus the G). So I had to take another shuttle bus to where I was supposed to be. Once I got there I checked in and got my boarding pass but still had 3 hours and there was nothing in there but chairs so I came back to Terminal 1 because it had food, stores, and internet (expensive internet.. but I'm desperate and bored!!). My flight leaves at 8:00 so in another 2.5 hours. Hopefully it goes quickly. :(

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