Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Goodbye Florence, Hellooooo Verona!

Sunday evening, after our hiking/cooking adventures, I ventured through Florence on my own to go shopping at H&M. Once there I was in heaven, finding 2 dresses, a belt, and a pair of sunglasses. Sunday night we all got dressed nicely and went out for dinner. I had a huge order of spaghetti, a side salad, and a beer for only 9.5£! After dinner we went to an Irish pub and had a couple of beers and I went home (to the hostel) before everyone else because I was tired.

Monday morning we got up fairly early and basically shopped ALL day. I bought the rest of the presents I needed for people. We left Florence around 4:00 and got back to Carpi around 6:00. The hostel that we stayed at in Florence was so cool though. If I ever go back, I definitely want to stay there again. The walls are covered in people who have stayed there's signature so of course I left my mark!

When we got back to the house I clearned my room, showered, and then packed most of my stuff into my suitcase. I will be spending $55 to send my suitcase home with the people going back to KC (my mom will pick it up) so I don't have to travel with it. So I packed most of my clothes, my shoes, the computer, as well as a lot of other things. Hopefully this will make my traveling to/in France a bit easier to do.

Today was our last day working in the schools. All we did all day was watch the kids play baseball and take pictures. Some of the girls asked for our autographs and were taking videos of us like we are celebrities. Semi-awkward... just saying. But it was a nice way to end the experience. Plus we finally got a picture of all 5 of us who worked there for the time we were here.

After school I came home and had lunch with my host parents and talked to them for a bit. Afterwards, I went upstairs and started cleaning/organizing some more of my stuff. I then went through my assignment notebook to ensure that everything was finished.

Tonight is the festa for all of us, the families, and the teachers. I have to introduce myself, say where I'm from, AND introduce my host family in Italian!! I've been practicing though so I think it should go pretty smoothly. :) Tomorrow Alessandra wants to go to Verona in the afternoon because I didn't get to go last week. I really want to see Romeo and Juliet's wall/balcony, so I'm very excited!! And then tomorrow night at 1:00 AM I will be dropped off at the train station. I can't believe it's the end!!

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