Monday, May 3, 2010


Hi, I leave for Italy in FOUR days!

Time has gone by so quickly this semester. I feel like it was just last week when I was saying "I leave for Italy in 93 days!" and now it's FOUR.

Lately, I've been focusing a bit more on the tail end of my trip, which is when I'm going to France. I will be there a week. I'm going to visit my exchange sister Elodie and her family for 5 days. I will be then be going to Paris for 2 days and 2 nights. This is the hotel I will be staying at:

It's located a 1/4 mile from the Eiffel Tower and is within 15 minutes on the Metro of EVERYTHING I want to do. Not to mention, a lot of things are within walking distance so I won't even have to take the Metro! I'm really excited about this leg of the trip.

Like I was saying, I leave on Friday morning at 10:00. I fly from there to NYC where we have a layover at JFK. Then on to Milan. After Milan, we'll be taking a bus to Carpi. As far as I know, that weekend's plans are just to recover from jet lag and prepare for our school orientations on Monday.

Now that the trip is upon us (basically) I will be updating a lot more. I am considering getting a photo-sharing account to post the pictures on during my trip. That way people who are paying attention and reading my blog will see them before I post them all on Facebook when I get back.

Anywho, I have a final on Wednesday afternoon and I have to turn in a paper Wednesday also and then I'm done with my 3rd year of college! Exciting? Haha.

Post again soon!

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