Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Today I woke up early again. I got ready for school, had breakfast, and then Allessandra took me to school in the car even thought it was her day off. As I was walking into the school, kids were hanging out the windows of the top floor and yelling "American, American!" It was kind of embarrassing that they know exactly who (or I guess WHAT) I am. Later in the day, one of the students had made us a welcome cake as a present. It said "Welcome to Italy" in chocolate frosting on top, haha. It was nice. As it turns out, none of our teachers that we shadow have classes the 4th or 5th hour of the day, so Jamie, Paige, and I got to leave early (the others will leave early next week). Jamie went home, but Paige and I walked to the small grocery store next to our school and she bought taco shells for when she makes her family dinner. Then we walked to a small book store for her to buy a journal. The woman spoke no English and we spoke no Italian, but she knew a little French so we worked it out. After that we walked back to my house. We took the long way because it was very sunny and nice outside for basically the first time since we've been here. Paige went back to school at 1:00 to be picked up by her host dad (we were finished at 11:00 instead of 1:00 like normal today) and Allessandra made Asia and I spinach and ricotta cheese tortelli. It was very good. After eating I was very tired so I came upstairs to lay down and take a nap. I ended up watching a movie instead though. I had a meeting at 4:00 with the rest of the program so we left at 3:40 to ride to the school where we were meeting. It was right by the city center which is a 10-15 bike ride from my house here. After the meeting we went to the pizzaria for pizza. I had black olive and pepperoni pizza, the pepperoni was very spicy though! We went for Gelato afterwards, I had the Limoncello (Lemonade) flavor. It was veryyyy good. After we all ate our Gelato, I had to ride my bike back to my house alone, in the dark. I rode on the main streets so it was well lit, but the route was a bit confusing and I didn't have a cell phone so it took me a little longer than it should have because I was making sure I wouldn't miss any turns, etc by going fairly slowly. I finally made it back home after a fairly long ride and came inside. I am very tired.

Tomorrow I will go to school from 8:00-1:00 and then a group of us are going to Mantova in the afternoon.


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