Tuesday, May 18, 2010


This is a picture from Venice that I stole from Mary Jo (the girl who took the picture). This is me and 3 of the 4 girls I hung out with there (Mary Jo was the other!).

Today, I was tired when I woke up. Alessandra had left early for the sports competition she was going to with a deaf student for the day, and like I said, Andrea is out of town.. so I had to get up and get myself ready and fed breakfast on my own. It was kind of nice to have a little independence in my eating. Although I shouldn't complain about Alessandra's cooking because that in combination with my bike riding and walking has led to 6.5 pounds of weight loss already since I've been here!! Anyhow, I biked to school this morning and got there around 8. All of the teachers we shadow had off the 1st and 2nd blocks so we hung out in the teacher's lounge until 10. After that we all went to a first year class to help teach them how to play baseball. We described the rules and such in the classroom and then went outside to play. 3 of the 5 of us were wearing dresses so that made things a bit complicated. Here is a picture of the students playing:

I also went to a music class where the teacher was teaching the students rhythm by teaching them simple 8 counts of dance moves. It was fun. But we danced to Greensleeves which I thought was odd. Plus I couldn't stop singing it in my head. After that I helped a second level English class write their final e-mails to their pen pals in Kansas. Their English is actually pretty good. I'm teaching my first lesson by myself tomorrow at the school and I'm very excited. I'm teaching the kids about Missouri and the main cities, lakes, monuments, etc. I have a book that is narrated by Truman the Tiger about it and I labeled the stuff on a map of Missouri. Hopefully things go well. I'm actually really excited about it!!

After school I came home and had soup and some cold cuts for lunch. AKA: things I didn't have to cook since I was on my own for figuring out what to eat. Since then I've been laying in my bed being lazy and watching movies. After today, Thursday is my only school day off left before I leave Italy. Which means the next couple of weeks will be VERY busy.

I'll write again tomorrow after I teach my lesson.

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